Monday 17 June 2013

Review of Movie Stoker (2013)

By Park Chan-wook's first foray into American cinema comes from the hand of a script signed by Wentworth Miller (Prison Break character). The dysfunctionality of its characters and this unhealthy atmosphere came you as ring finger to a director of undisputed master when it comes to portraying that type of environment.

When India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) loses her beloved father and her best friend Richard (Demot Mulroney) in a tragic traffic accident the day of her 18th birthday, her quiet family life is shaken. With great delicacy, India shows an impassive attitude that masks the deep feelings that only his father could understand.

India is then attracted to the long-lost brother of her father, Charlie (Matthew Good), which occurs unexpectedly at the funeral and decides to stay with her and her emotionally unstable mother, Evie (Nicole Kidman). India initially doesn’t trust her charming and mysterious uncle, but, at the same time, I love you when you start to see all they have in common.

As Charlie is discovering little by little, India begins to become obsessed with their charismatic guy and begins to realize that arrival was not a result of chance. With the help of his uncle, India will discover their unexpected destination.

Friday 12 April 2013

Review Of Movie The Host (2013)

In this history the Earth has been invaded, but the human race has not extinguished completely, since the invaders have taken over land minds and have saved their bodies, which used to be transported. This makes some of these physical containers, such as the of Melanie Stryder (Saoirse Ronan, 'Hanna'), opposed resistance to the invasion of his mind.

Melanie is not the idea of losing control of herself and sends his soul invader, Wanderer (the same actress), constant reminiscences of his past that contain memories of the man he loved, Jared (Max Irons, 'The portrait of Dorian Gray').

Due to such strong feelings that it receives, Wanderer cannot be complete control of Melanie and begins to develop feelings towards the man who appears in his mind and who does not know. Both forces, by Melanie and Wanderer, you will join to get the same lover.

At the forefront of this science fiction film, we find Andrew Niccol, who already showed their qualities within the genre in films like 'Gattaca' (1997). The cast is completed by Diane Krueger ('search'), William Hurt ('the kiss of the female spider)and Boyd Holbrook ('Milk').

Click Here To Free Movie Downloads  The Host (2013)